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Eloquent Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

the error displaying is clear, you don't have a METHOD called Cse\Models\Role() .

in the ->with() you have to pass the name of the method, no the namespace of the model. Like this:

$userRoles = $this->userRoles()->with('role')->get();

I think you have an method called role() or what ever you want, defining the relation with Cse\Models\Role model, same way yo have userRoles(). But I am not sure what are you doing.

Here some pseudo-code.. if you are trying to get users with roles:

class user extends eloquent{

 public function roles()
return $this->hasMany('Namespaces\Role','user_id');

$usersWithRoles = $this->with('roles')->get(); // you get the user and the related roles foreach(usersWithRoles as $ur)

next one is different result

$rolesOfTheUser = $this->roles()->orderBy('role_name')->get(); //returns the roles that the user has.
Last updated 2 years ago.

Yes you are right, I have method UserRole::role() and that's what's called when ->with() is executed. I just expected that ->with() can perform automatical joins on model class names, it seems I was wrong. The error is clear, however Eloquent probably can figure out that I am passing model class, not model method there. Or maybe not.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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