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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

I sort of had a similar problem and this is how I solved it. It's not exactly what you have but maybe if it's explained in a Laravel 4 style you can apply it to your project.

What you will need to do is have jquery to take advantage of this.

OK, this is the form part of this. What this is basically going to do is..when I user starts typing in a name its automatically going to search the database for anything related to what they are typing and return that into a table.

{{ Form::text('date','', array('class' => 'datepicker', 'onChange' => 'postdata(this.value);')) }}

Then at the bottom of the blade template open a script tag and add the postdata function,

function postdata(data) {
	$.post("{{ URL::to('book/postdate') }}", { input:data }, function(returned){

What that is basically doing is its using blade to input the url to the call we are wanting to make. In this case the book/postdata url and it's going to insert it into the book class that's also on the blade page (an a empty div). It is actually probably better to just call a controller but whichever is best.


        public function postDate() {			
			$date = Input::get('input');
			$schedule = DB::table('bk_schedule')
					->select( DB::raw('bk_schedule.note, bk_schedule.office_note,, pr_service.short_name, bk_timeslot.block,, bk_status.status, users_information.last_name, users_information.street_1, users_information.phone_1, users_information.user_zip_code, users_information.street_2, users_information.phone_2, users_information.apartment, bk_schedule.userID,, group_concat(pr_service.service)as service_detail, group_concat(pr_service.short_name)as group_service '))
					->join('bk_service', '', '=', 'bk_service.bk_id')
					->join('users_information', 'bk_schedule.userID', '=', '')
					->join('bk_status', 'bk_schedule.status', '=', '')
					->join('bk_timeslot', 'bk_schedule.block', '=', '')
					->join('pr_service', '', '=', '')
					->where('', $dateFormat)
					->whereIn('bk_schedule.status', array('1', '6'))
					->groupBy('bk_service.userID', 'bk_service.bk_id')
					->orderBy('', 'asc')
           return View::make('', array('schedule' => $schedule));


Route::post('book/postdate', 'BookController@postDate');

So, from here you can probably see how you can know use just straight laravel to do everything you need. I chose to create an blade template so when the book class is loaded it will load that template inside that class to display a table. You might just want to return back to that page.

I hope that helps at least guide you into the right direction. If that doesn't help look at the laravel docs for JSON and that might help you also!

Good luck!

Last updated 2 years ago.

I have an application in which I have to filter data based on the item selected from the select box. Can I display data without form reload? I have included jquery.

Controller to initial page load.

  public function listCampaign()
     $list1s = List1::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get();
     $this->layout->title = "Listing Campaigns";
     $this->layout->main = View::make('dash')->nest('content', 'campaigns.list', compact('list1s'));
     $campaigns = Campaign::orderBy('id', 'desc')->where('user_id','=',Auth::user()->id)->paginate(10);
     Session::put('slist', $list1s);
     View::share('campaigns', $campaigns);


Here I share list1s and campaigns to the view (it is working properly).

My Blade is list.blade.php

   <h2 class="comment-listings">Campaign listings</h2><hr>
   <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="2.1.1" src="//"></script>
    <th>Select a List:</th>

       <form method="post">
        <select class="form-control input" name="list1s" id="list1s" onchange="postdata(this.value)" >
        <option selected disabled>Please select one option</option>
        @foreach($list1s as $list1)

            <option value="{{$list1->id}}">{{$list1->name}}</option>

    <th>Campaign title</th>        
 <div id="campaign">
  @foreach($campaigns as $campaign)

    <td>{{HTML::linkRoute('campaign.delete','Delete',$campaign->id)}}  </td>
   function postdata(data) {
       $.post("{{ URL::to('campaigns/get') }}", { input:data }, function(returned){

On select change, URL campaigns/get is invoked.

Controller for the URL is given below

public function getCampaigns()

    $list1 = Input::get('input');
    $campaigns = Campaign::where('list1_id','=', $list1)->paginate(10);
    return View::make('campaigns.list', compact('campaigns'));


Here POST http://localhost/lemmeknw/public/campaigns/get is passed but no change comes on the view, it is showing 404 error in browser console.

Am I completely wrong? Any solutions?

Last updated 10 years ago.

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