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Installation Configuration Testing
Last updated 2 years ago.



from the project root

You can also alias phpunit

alias phpunit="/{pathtoproject}/vendor/bin/phpunit"
Last updated 2 years ago.

If you are a windows user then you should try executing command from your laravel project root directory as below,


Also, check in your bin directory that, phpunit.bat file is exist or not as i think in latest version it is not available so you need to import the dependencies for that.

Last updated 2 years ago.

i'm mac user. But i found where is my problem. i'm a beginner in testing, and i was thinking that phpunit was include in laravel, i didn't know i had to install it.

Thank you

Last updated 2 years ago.

The documentation is a bit misleading, assuming that you already have phpunit installed.

Last updated 2 years ago.

I ran into this today. I don't know what changed, I was able to run phpunit from my project root just a couple days ago and now suddenly I'm getting "phpunit: command not found"

With the friendly help from IRC, the solution for me was:

composer global require phpunit/phpunit

And making sure that I had "export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin" in my .bash_profile


just cd inside app folder for laravel and alias phpunit="vendor/bin/phpunit"


NMaaruf said:

just cd inside app folder for laravel and alias phpunit="vendor/bin/phpunit"

I've tried a lot of other people's solutions and it seems that yours was the only one to work, thank you very much :)


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