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Configuration Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

I would suggest an approach like Shawn does in the nextVersion branch of LaravelIO Separates most things in it's own namespace.

Last updated 2 years ago.


Laravel allows to put controller,models,views ,etc anywhere you want to.

Of course , You can get a structure of App like following.

# App (provided by laravel)   
     ## Applist  
          ### employee  
               #### controller.php  
               #### model.php  
               #### view.php  
          ### schedule  
               #### controller.php  
               #### model.php  
               #### view.php  

And, Many people do so .

It's very simple to do.

First , your package or library should follow PSR-0 or PSR-4 . And open composer.json then edit autoload . Last, execute composer dump-autoload .

For instance ,

User package's sturcture is like following.

# App (provided by laravel)   
     ## Components  
          ### User  
               #### Controllers
                   #### UserController.php  
               #### Models
                   #### User.php  

namespace of UserController.php is '\User\Controllers '

in composer.json

 "autoload" : {
    "psr-0" : {
         "User" : "app/componets"

then, composer dump-autoload

all done!

If you want to know more about it, reference following links.

thank you.

have a good day.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks that was really helpful with what I need. Now that I have my controllers in different directories how would I go about extending the BaseController with my new controller? Should I make the baseController a global or create a namespace for that as well now? Also BaseController extends Controller, where is Controller even defined/declared?


I followed this video which really helped me:

Last updated 2 years ago.

In laravel, BaseController is autoloaded because of autoload:'classmap' in composer.json. Therefore, You can extend BaseController whenever.

for instance, UserController.php is in app/component/User/Controller .

<?php namespace User\Controller ; 

class UserController extends \BaseController {

Should use '\BaseController' not 'BaseContoller' because the namespace of BaseContoller is global.

Controller is abstract class. It's defined in 'vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illluminate/Routing/Contoller.php' .

Last updated 2 years ago.

You're awesome, that is exactly what I was looking for! I'm almost there. Now, I have one last question; how do I get access to the View class? I tried using the '' that worked with BaseController but no luck. Thanks for taking your time to help me so much.

I am setting up like this:

App (provided by laravel)

 ## Applist  
      ### login  
           #### controller.php  
           #### model.php  
           #### view.php  
      ### homepage  
           #### controller.php  
           #### model.php  
           #### view.php 

<?php namespace appList\login ;

class LoginController extends \BaseController
    public function __construct()

   public function showLogin()
       return \View::make('view');

P.S. I am still going to use the views folder to hold my layout templates and just have my app\appList\login\view.php provide the content.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi Farr433,

If you simply add use View; below your namespace declaration everything should work fine with regards to the View Facade. You may also then remove the .

May I ask if your using PhpStorm? If so, it's likely you won't get auto-completion or your IDE may also be telling you that it cannot find the View Facade. This is in fact because it is a Facade but there is a solution.

There is a git repo called Laravel-IDE-Helper written by barryvdh or you can download the gist from the link below.

Simply create a file called '_ide_helper.php' in the root of your project and paste the code inside and everything should work fine.

Hope that helps.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, I am using php storm and this makes it a lot easier now. I just recently switched from dreamweaver and have been missing out on a lot to say the least! I am now properly displaying pages as I would expect and can get to the good stuff.

Thanks for everything guys!

Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm sorry guys, I have yet another question. I have noticed that I have to manually connect all of the Facades using:

use View;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;

What is the easiest way to be able to utilize Facades and etc without always having to import them? Should I maybe make an abstract appList class and then have an app like login extend the abstract class or what would be the best way to go about that?



Last updated 2 years ago.

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farr433 farr433 Joined 9 Jul 2014


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