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Last updated 2 years ago.
  1. first things are requirements, get them nailed down
  2. Create a mock up of the site/pages
  3. Create db design on paper first
  4. Start building one feature at a time for this a - create the necessary tables/fields using migration b - create the tests first (if you are going to be doing this) c - create the code d - test to see it works (and all previous tests still pass)
  5. repeat 4...

What I am not sure on is do i just create the whole database in one go after designing it on paper OR do as i described in 4a.. because I think as you progress along design might change so you dont necessarily want to do the whole database/tables in one go..


If you get this all worked out could you possibly make it available on github for anyone to use, would be much appreciated also please let us know in a future post.


Hi! I have built Laravel Auction software. You can try it here: It contains some basic requirements. You can login with Facebook account or You can male registration.

Nowadays I am working on a partner selection site. I plan to update the auction site to Laravel 5.

Please write me if you have any question. :)



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