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Requests Database Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.

Yea that is good idea. Create PetController with those methods and define protected $model; which you will define in other controller for example in DogController.

BTW: Are you from Slovakia?

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks nipid for your answer. What do you mean by defining proteced $model? Why?

Yes I am from Slovakia :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

I imagine your going to get a lot of overlap between your different animal models. Why not create one animal table and have 3 different models extending 1 abstract animal model


// Animal.php
abstract class Animal extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloqent\Model
	protected $table = 'animals'

	const DOG_ID = 1;
	const CAT_ID = 2;
	const BIRD_ID = 3;

	public function newQuery($excludeDeleted = true)
        return parent::newQuery()->species($this->getSpeciesId());

	public function scopeSpecies($query, $species)
		return $query->where('species', '=', $species);

	protected abstract function getSpeciesId();

// Dog.php

class Dog extends Animal
	public function getSpeciesId()
		return self::DOG_ID;

// Cat.php
class Cat extends Animal
	public function getSpeciesId()
		return self::CAT_ID;


// Bird.php
class Bird extends Animal
	public function getSpeciesId()
		return self::BIRD_ID;


That might need some refining to make it work. I just quickly wrote that now. I think it will work.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks damienadermann,

that seems like a very nice idea, I just dont know If I want to change the database in this stage. I know I did not give it a proper though at the beginning about the tables structure of pets.

Well, decisions decisions :/

Last updated 2 years ago.

TorchSK said:

Thanks damienadermann,

that seems like a very nice idea, I just dont know If I want to change the database in this stage. I know I did not give it a proper though at the beginning about the tables structure of pets.

Well, decisions decisions :/

Still have solution for you here :)

interface Animal {
     * The animal specy
     * @return string
    public function specy();

     * The animal sound
     * @return string
    public function sound();

class Dog extends Eloquent implements Animal {
    public function specy()
        return 'Dog';
     public function sound()
         return 'Whoof!';

// So on for cat, monkey ;)

Then you can have your AnimalController dealing with AnimalInterface, instead of specific model type. Like:

class PetController extends Controller
     public function listenToThe($specy)
           $pet = App::make($specy);
           return "Oh! The { $pet->specy() } sound: { $pet->sound() }";

And @damienadermann:

It's not scalable to the application if you define your Animal like that. When you need add more animal type to the database, then you have to define a new constant in the Animal class.

For further approach: with my implementation, you'll face the problem - how to create an instance of the AnimalInterface in the controller. Using App::make() as I do above is a quick and simple way, but it will lead the application to an error if the $specy parameter is not proper, so you can write your own AnimalFactory or AnimalResolver as well.

Last updated 2 years ago.

@bomberman1990, yesss, that is exactly what I am trying to implement now. I am not very familiar with how IoC works so, I'll need a little bit of studying :)

Thanks a lot.

Last updated 2 years ago.

You are welcome! Be Artisan :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

I just "hate" (in fact I love it) how Laravel makes me to write my code properly!!! :P

Last updated 2 years ago.

Because I'm from Slovakia also if you need some help follow me at twitter @nipidqo and pm me :)

Last updated 2 years ago.

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TorchSK torchsk Joined 17 Apr 2014


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