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Last updated 2 years ago.

They're only loaded into memory when you actually call for them in your controller.

So, having lots of models doesn't have any performance impact.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Hi trololosha4real, you could use the Dependency Injection principle for inject the Model Dependencies into your Controller, but better than this, you could use the following roadmap:

1.- Define your Model > 2.- Define one Repository that use the Model defined > 3.- Inject the Repository in the Controller Constructor.

Then you don't need to know how the model works with the Database, and the Repository is a bridge between the Model and the Controller that allow you to disconnect the data layer from your controller, because of you could use a Database to get the data or another method to get it.

Later if you need you could use the IoC container to invert the dependency in a application central way.

Hope it helps you.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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