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Authentication Security Architecture
Last updated 2 years ago.
$userId = Session::get(Auth::getName()); // user id from session (no query)

can you query the Account table with this user id and subdomain?

small note on the use of Request::server('HTTP_HOST'));, there was a topic about this and someone stated that this can be faked by altering the user's hosts file.

you should look into setting server/environment variables via Apache or Nginx in the vhost config.

Last updated 2 years ago.

what about creating a method in the User model class that joins all the tables you need? or create a helper class that does the same thing so it's available throughout your app - like using it in a filter.

i had a similar question last week where i was trying to extend Auth::User() so that i can have it check my access_types table for page protection. i ended up creating a helper class and it worked out for me.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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