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Last updated 2 years ago.

Fuck Yii2. I recently moved to a project that is based on Yii2, and everything just sucks. Everything is so complicated, configuration files suck, huge multilevel arrays, migrations dont work out of the box, you have to configure paths, and it's a real PITA. Routes are terrible, you cannot group routes, you cannot build routes with aliases like in laravel, you have to use controller/action building practically all of the time. Widgets, modules, all that shit is just unnecessary. Commands tools suck, environment detection sucks (I had to implement php dot env library to make it usable)...

I'm in such a pain, I can't even... Stay away from yii, if you can choose laravel. Laravel is so much more modern and just more thought-through...


I totally agree yii is completely stupid I wish yii did not even exist. case closed. CakePHP vs Laravel would have been a better question because I like cake and laravel they are both pretty damn good.


Frequent version changing is headache with Laravel. If you use laravel maintaining app for long time is quite difficult than Yii2 due to it's faster version changes (with syntax change or directory structure change). you can't use package created for L4.0 in 4.1 or 5.0 version of laravel . your code breaks with each version update, even only 6 months old code breaks with update. you must focus on adding facilities in your product than maintaining the product. Laravel is good for artisans who always want to do experiment & research. if you stick to old version then you may not get support after some time which is not good for enterprise level app.

where Yii2 uses symfony components same as laravel. My friends are using Yii2 for developing large projects. Yii2 has good community, many components, Built in grid . Again if you want you can use laravel components in yii2, as laravel components are framework agnostic.

Laravel has many features by default specially in laravel 5 due to genius taylor otwell it's large & talented community. taylor is so active that you may see next version in may (just 3 months from last major release). I think laravel has higher resources to learn than any other framework in world. you will see tutorials,books,blogs everywhere. so learning is very easy.

If laravel don't do any code breaking changes in near future then nothing is better than laravel.

Last updated 9 years ago.

Another framework I like for small to medium projects is simple MVC framework here's the link === but you have to know how to implement csrf protection and sanitize data which is not that hard. At least give it a look.


Furthermore, I actually installed yii one day a few months ago. Went to learn some stuff, saw the word widget, and uninstalled right away. I hate widgets.


john5db, laravel is going to release la long-time-support version soon, so that will not be a problem.

Yes, migration from 4.2 to 5.0 took me few hours, but the benefits outweigh it. At first everything was confusing, but after a while, you get the idea why they changed something and you totally appreciate it.


I am working Yii1 for 2 years ,also use CI,slim,phalcon. Yii 2 also.

Yii is a component based framework and also moduler. you are building enterprize type application,where laraval doesn't suite.

in your case of scenerio i should prefer Yii as alnernate platfom of .net and java. Yii framewok 1 is good for building enterprize grade application. Yii 2 is more better for web and enterprize too.

and about widget,how could any one thing a enterprize application with out complex view.


I would recommend Laravel5.0.


ganeshkumar123 said:

I would recommend Laravel5.0.

or laravel 5.1 ;)


mostofa62 said:

you are building enterprize type application,where laraval doesn't suite.

in your case of scenerio i should prefer Yii as alnernate platfom of .net and java. Yii framewok 1 is good for building enterprize grade application. Yii 2 is more better for web and enterprize too.

i highly disagree.. laravel can build enterprise apps. It has a more stable architecture than yii and it also has a much simple learning curve. anyone who is familiar with zend, cake or symphony can just catch up.. You don't have to have a modular approach for it to be "enterprise grade". I've seen companies using Laravel to build very complex apps.

If you're looking for the .net or java equalant you should go for a compiled framework such as

Last updated 9 years ago.

@shez1983: Hmm ok Laravel 5.1 also best its latest version. Please don't ask again after released laravel 5.2 :) what about laravel5.2.

Okay i will share some good information about strength and weakness of laravel 5 and Yii 2.0.

Its for Laravel 5:

Its for Yii 2.0:

Hello Mr @shez1983 : its for you man!


I am searching about the PHP framework to do my enterprise project as well. Experience with laravel 4 and laravel 5, I can say that laravel does not maintain the upgrade. Most things are manually. What I hate the most is migrations, I have to manually change all the time. I am considering changing from laravel as well.

Last updated 8 years ago.

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