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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

If you have a Category model you could pass it a show method in your controller eg function show(Category $category_values){ return view( '', compact('category_values'); } Then in your show.blade view you could try the link_to_route() method, first argument is the name of the route, second the string displayed and third the id passed @foreach ($category as $category_values) <li> {!! link_to_route('', $product_category_values->tbl_product_category_name, [category_values->tbl_product_category_id]) !!}



I haven't tried any of this out and I'm very much a beginner but its how I have approached similar in the past


dragonfire3310 said:

If you have a Category model you could pass it a show method in your controller eg function show(Category $category_values){ return view( '', compact('category_values'); } Then in your show.blade view you could try the link_to_route() method, first argument is the name of the route, second the string displayed and third the id passed @foreach ($category as $category_values) <li> {!! link_to_route('', $product_category_values->tbl_product_category_name, [category_values->tbl_product_category_id]) !!}



I haven't tried any of this out and I'm very much a beginner but its how I have approached similar in the past

Last updated 9 years ago.

Hi dragonfire3310,

Actually I need the result on the same page. What I am trying is, passing a category id in to controller page and do some query then return to same view page (View.blade.php -> Controller page -> View.blade.php).


Issue has solved thanks for your effort.


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