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Database Views Blade
Last updated 2 years ago.

That looks right to me.

Make sure you have the following in the provider section of your config/app.php file:


and the following in the aliases of the same file:

 'Paginator' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Paginator',

In my case, I created a helper view that all views that need pagination call to render the pagination. Below is the code to my helper view:


    #<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="SVN Revision Information">
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # SVN revision information:
    # @url          $URL:  $:
    # @version      $Revision:  $:
    # @editor       $Author:  $:
    # @date         $Date:  $:
    # @id           $Id:  $:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # @author       jgarifuna
    # @createdDate  {date}
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # All code (c)2014 Garinet Media Network. All Rights Reserved.
    if(!isset($paginator) || !$paginator) return;

<!-- start pagination -->
<div class="paginator<?php if(isset($class)){ echo ' ' . $class;} ?>">

        echo $paginator->links();
        echo $paginator->getFrom() . ' - ' . $paginator->getTo() . ' / ' . $paginator->getTotal();

<!-- end pagination -->

Last updated 2 years ago.

EDIT I figured it out.

Within the app/view.php file, the pagination view was set to 'pagination' => 'pagination'. I simply set it back to 'pagination' => 'pagination::slider-3' and now it's working as normal!

Last updated 2 years ago.

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