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Last updated 2 years ago.

You need to activate that. Ask your web hosting provider


@astroanu mod_rewrite is active on shared hosting. What may be the problem.


the 777 permission is set to the subdirectories of storage as well?


Have you modified the file structure at all? E.g. changed the name of the /public directory, moved the other files outside of a web-accessible area, etc. If so, you'll have to edit your /public/index.php to point to the Laravel install.

Other than that, this can also be caused by Laravel not having the required libs. If you've pushed this up from git you likely have /vendor in your .gitignore, so you'll have to run "composer install" to install all of the libraries Laravel requires.

Last updated 9 years ago.

Make sure you have enabled the right version of php. Some hosting providers have 5.5 (or higher) version but they enable the 5.2 version. If you use cPanel, go to PHP Config and select the right version, otherwise, contact your hosting provider.


I have this exact issue but with a VPS. I believe this is a problem caused by CPanel as Laravel works fine on another Centos 6 server with Plesk from Godaddy.

Does anyone have any solutions for this issue?

Thanks in advance!


Yeah me too have the same problem. so i started debugging with var_dump and dd $app variable is creating but the {{appname}}\Http\Kernel singleton binding is not working. thats all i know. But another point is A fresh installation directly on the godaddy server is running perfectly. i'm thinking that the storage and dumping the files is causing the problem. but i dont know exactly. at the same im currently working project is perfectly running in local development. lets hope to get a solution for this.

Last updated 9 years ago.

Yahoo i got it. just changed the php version in Godaddy shared account. I set the php version to 5.5. now its running.


Actually laravel just requires php 5.4 version. but in some situations i used ::class to string features which is php 5.5 feature. so i want to change to php 5.5 in godaddy a/c also

Last updated 9 years ago.

Have the same issue. Any idea?

  • Using PHP 5.5 on A Small Orange
  • Mod_rewrite is enabled.
  • store/ and all it's content is 777
  • error_log is empty
  • File structure:

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