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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

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Have a look at this:

You can create a helpers file where you can throw random functions in.


@Gouvi When I tried to do that I run into the same issue as before. Because that function is a modified increment() function which resides in Vendor/Laravel/Framework/src/Illuminate/Query/builder.php

So when I'm running it in let's say your example of App\helpers.php using that function above, it will now error to:

Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::addperc()

Making custom methods of my own is not a problem but extending/copy/modifying from an existing core function method doesn't seem to work outside of that builder.php path.

Last updated 9 years ago.

Come on! Still nobody has an answer to this? It's frustrating


Hopefully this helps, and not being at a computer makes it hard for me to verify, but I would do the following. I would create a class, either taking in the query builder instance or extending it. I would then create a service provider and swap out the underlying 'db' instance in the app. Additionally I would make sure I adjusted the DB facade to point to the newly created class. Then I would start making my customers i m functions and see if they as being surfaced on the facade/db in the IoC.

I'm travelling now with no laptop to try it on, but I'll check back. If you haven't figured it the problem and I can solve it like I'm thinking, I'll post the code. Good luck in the mean time!!


Ok, after a prolonged absence, here goes ;)

I did this all in a fresh install of L5.1

I created a file in the app folder (MyDBClass.php)

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Illuminate\Database\Connectors\ConnectionFactory;

class MyDBClass extends DatabaseManager
    public function __construct($app, ConnectionFactory $factory)
        parent::__construct($app, $factory);

    public function myFunction()

Then in my AppServiceProvider.php (under app/Providers), in the register() function, I added the following.

$this->app->singleton('db', function ($app) {
    return new MyDBClass($app, $app['db.factory']);

And to test, I made a test console command, but you can use a closure as well. The code I used looked like this.


Thinking about this, you could also create your own facade (still using the DB as your facade - see the app/config.php file) vs doing the app->singleton. This may be a more appropriate way, but both should work.

Hope this helps!

Last updated 9 years ago.

And re-reading this... you may want to just have a base Model. Since I'm unsure if you want a function on the DB facade (shown above) or if you want a function on all your models, I'll also show you how to make a function availabale to all your models. There's 1 of 2 ways...

Method 1: Class extension. Create a base model and make it abstract. (I made mine in the app folder)

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

abstract class BaseModel extends Model
    public function __construct(array $attributes = [])

    public function myFunction()
        dd('inherited function');

Then all you need to do is extend the base model.

class User extends BaseModel {

Method 2: Trait. I created mine in the app folder again (SomeTrait.php)

namespace App;

trait SomeTrait

    public function myFunction()
        dd('function via trait');


Then to implement...

class User extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
   use SomeTrait;

Hope this helps more :P

Good luck!


After some read I found this repository showing how to use the macro method of the builder. Is really simple and really clean, just create a Provider and register the macro withing the register method and call it directly by its name.


From the source:

namespace Kevinsimard\BuilderMacros\Providers;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class OrderByRandomServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function register()
        Builder::macro('orderByRandom', function () {
            $randomFunctions = [
                'mysql' => 'RAND()',
                'pgsql' => 'RANDOM()',
                'sqlite' => 'RANDOM()',
                'sqlsrv' => 'NEWID()',
            $driver = $this->getConnection()->getDriverName();
            return $this->orderByRaw($randomFunctions[$driver]);
Last updated 8 years ago.

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