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Authentication Validation
Last updated 2 years ago.

The message your are getting is coming from Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers trait

you will need to override the postLogin method in your App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController class. I don't see any other way of doing it :(


Thanks man, I'll try do this for now and will get the workaround later


It's quite simple. You need to copy the postLogin method from Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers and paste to App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController class and change the error message as you like.

I think they need to add these messages on to a language file so anyone can change them :)


awesome, thanks!


one more thing though:

It's possible to only override the getFailedLoginMessage() if you don't want to double the whole logic there (which I find preferrable in this situation). Seems that the location of the trait in Laravel 5.1 has changed since the last post in this thread, this is why I post this additional information.

I just came across the same Problem in Laravel 5.1 (if somebody shall stumble over this very same thing). However I found the function getFailedLoginMessage():

protected function getFailedLoginMessage()
    return 'These credentials do not match our records.';

in the trait file:


used by the Auth Controller:


I found out it is enough to overwrite the getFailedLoginMessage() like so:

protected function getFailedLoginMessage()
	return 'YourCustomMessage';

So if you defined something like this in your lang/en/validation.php:

 'wrong_credentials'		=> 'Wrong Credentials dude!',

you could use it like this to have it translated:

protected function getFailedLoginMessage()
	return trans('validation.wrong_credentials');

worked like a charm for me :)

Last updated 9 years ago.

marco-solare said:

worked like a charm for me :)

Worked perfectly. Thanks ! :)


marco-solare said:

one more thing though:

It's possible to only override the getFailedLoginMessage() if you don't want to double the whole logic there (which I find preferrable in this situation). Seems that the location of the trait in Laravel 5.1 has changed since the last post in this thread, this is why I post this additional information.

worked like a charm for me :)

Thanks, worked as expected. Actually the best way to handle this i found on the forums.


Just to continue this thread moving, the method was changed again.

The new method to override is:

protected function sendFailedLoginResponse(Request $request)
   throw ValidationException::withMessages([
      $this->username() => [trans('auth.failed')],

So, pasting that in the LoginController will let you change the default message. Please note it has to be an array, so, the sample would be:

protected function sendFailedLoginResponse(Request $request)
       throw ValidationException::withMessages([
          $this->username() => ['YourCustomMessageGoesHere'],

Naturally, having a lang file as suggested above is a far cleaner/leaner solution, just wanted to add my 2 cents.

Last updated 7 years ago.

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