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Installation Configuration Views
Last updated 2 years ago.

At the most basic level, you'll need to create routes and return responses from those routes. Give the documentation a good reading. See here:

For scripts/css/images, the most basic workflow is to put them into the public/ folder from which they will be served statically.

Also, it seems like you're expecting Laravel to be themeable out of the box. But Laravel is not a pre-built platform (like WP), it is a framework for creating your applications from scratch. You'll want to take a look at some basic MVC architecture literature so that you can understand the why's and how's behind what Laravel is doing.

This link is a couple of years old, but it will help get your started on your journey:

Good luck and welcome to the community!

Last updated 2 years ago.

Appreciate the immediate reply. I will visit those sites.

can you help me explain these terms/words in laravel community:



lookitsatravis said:

At the most basic level, you'll need to create routes and return responses from those routes. Give the documentation a good reading. See here:

For scripts/css/images, the most basic workflow is to put them into the public/ folder from which they will be served statically.

Also, it seems like you're expecting Laravel to be themeable out of the box. But Laravel is not a pre-built platform (like WP), it is a framework for creating your applications from scratch. You'll want to take a look at some basic MVC architecture literature so that you can understand the why's and how's behind what Laravel is doing.

This link is a couple of years old, but it will help get your started on your journey:

Good luck and welcome to the community!

Last updated 2 years ago.

No problem!

Bootstrap: This one is kind of ambiguous depending on the context. From the frontend context (the HTML/JS running in the browser), Bootstrap often refers to the Twitter Bootstrap responsive framework. It's very popular for quickly getting your site design scaffold up and running.

It could also be a reference to how the application is loaded. But that's more of an internal thing which you will learn about as you become more experienced.

Bundles: edit: These are a Laravel 3 feature and shouldn't be used with L4 (thanks for point that out @AndrewBNZ). These are prepackaged pieces of functionality that are provided by members of the community. They are similar to jQuery plugins in concept. Laravel bundles are installed through the CLI most of the time.

But for Laravel 4, plugins can and should be installed via Composer (PHP's dependency manager). See here for a giant list of available Composer packages.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Bundles are a Laravel 3 feature, and not natively supported in the current release (version 4). You should now be using Composer Packages to add plugin functionality.

Last updated 2 years ago.

riggscastro, i just founded this it might help you to build your design.

Last updated 2 years ago.

Thanks, i was able to put a nice design using Twitter Bootstrap and im happy with it. I just wonder if anyone of you guys also use Twitter Bootstrap and how do you install it to your laravel project, i was able to use Twitter Bootstrap by manually copying the css/js/imgs to my laravel public folder. Is there any other way installing it that im not aware of?

Last updated 2 years ago.

There are other ways such as adding the twbs dependancy to your project and linking to the sources but generally the best idea is the raw copy/paste or a frontend package manager (like composer but for the front end) such as bower (

Last updated 2 years ago.

If you are using Bootstrap, make sure to check out my website called Bootsnipp (, it has hundreds of design snippets ready for you to copy/paste.

Also, it's built with Laravel :)

The process of using Bootstrap is also very well documented in my new e-book and the chapter about integrating it with Laravel is available absolutely free, read it here:


Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm a beginner and I want to develop a full web application with laravel4, please is there any complete tutorial to follow lz

Last updated 2 years ago.

Imanitta said:

I'm a beginner and I want to develop a full web application with laravel4, please is there any complete tutorial to follow lz

Laravel official website has great documentation to get you started, than you might want to check out Laracasts, Culttt also has a lot of tutorials on Laravel. Other that that try searching on google or youtube.

Last updated 2 years ago.

drag bootstrap file css,fonts,js into public folder,then create view layout.blade.php and paste this code


{{ HTML::script('js/jquery.min.js') }}
{{ HTML::script('js/bootstrap.js') }}

create form.blade.php

{{Form::label('username', 'User Name') }} 
  {{Form::text('username', '', array('class' => 'form-control'))}} 

Try this

Last updated 2 years ago.

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