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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.
// models/Product.php
abstract class Product extends Eloquent {
	protected $table = 'products';
	// commom methods

// models/PhysicalProduct.php
class PhysicalProduct extends Product {

	// because we are overriding we must specified the same function prototype for get
	public function get( $arg = [] ) {
		return parent::where( 'type', 'physical' )->get();


// some similar goes for the other types of products

now, in your code, just make an instance of some product type, for example, DigitalProduct,

$product = new DigitalProduct;
$product->where( 'price', '>', 51.12 )
	// because we have overriding the get method, all of our queries
	// will have the correct where type value

now for loading the correct view, i recommend to you that in your routes uses the url to know what controller must be trigger for a specific product type, ie

Route::group( [ 'prefix' => 'product' ], function() {

	Route::group( [ 'prefix' => 'digital' ], function() {
		Route::get( '{id}', 'ProductDigitalController@get' );	
		Route::post( '{id}/edit', 'ProductDigitalController@edit' );	
	} );
	// some similar goes for the other types of products
} );
Last updated 2 years ago.

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