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Configuration Requests
Last updated 2 years ago.

When it doesn't work are you hitting refresh from a page that does work or are you typing it in?

Have you found any sort of pattern that causes it to not work?

holidays holidays/christmas holidays/easter


Last updated 2 years ago.

hi kreitje thanks for your reply

i am clicking a link to the page from a page dynamically constructed in a similar way. so its the same link to the same page and it will load on one occasion then not load the next......also when it loads and i f5 it sometime loads and sometimes throws an error.

anyhow, since i posted the question i have uninstalled and reinstalled because i thought maybe i didnt install properly but the problem is still occuring. specifically i click the link and i get an error......i f5 7 or 8 times then the page loads?!!??*!

another problem i was having is the program couldnt find a class when i put a model in a sub directory....i messed around with the namespace with every possible permutation but no luck, i can only use a model if its in the main models directory.

not sure what to look at next....

Last updated 2 years ago.

I found the problem but not the solution: On the first page was a form with a button to click to get to next page. When I changed this to a link it now works fine.

Last updated 2 years ago.

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