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Configuration Testing
Last updated 2 years ago.

Have you checked your file permissions?

Also, are you using shared hosting? If you are:


Deploying the Laravel web app to the c panel is now easier. Literally, In web development realm, beginners to Laravel framework often encounter this challenge. This question is already step by step answer on Git Hub, Quora by web development enthusiasm.


Your Best Regards

Robert Rex

Last updated 7 years ago.


If you have cPanel in your shared hosting you can try these easier methods before trying to move the Laravel's public folder:

  1. Often you also have an SSH access when you have cPanel on shared hostings, so you can replace the www folder (i.e. the website document root) with a symbolic link to [app]/public, then deploy your Laravel app inside the [app] folder.

  2. If you are deploying on a subdomain, e.g. [app], usually with cPanel you can choose the document root, then you can simply set it to [app]/public.

I think the two methods above are both easier and safer than moving the public folder. I would keep this as the last option.

Hope it helps you.


I wouldn't recommend cpanel hosting for Laravel. Instead go for dedicated servers on vps or cloud. If you don't know how to setup your own server, then you can use Cloudways Laravel web hosting PaaS. You can use this platform for launching Laravel based server in one click without any need for manually installing OS or Stack.


I agree with robert however you can also check the Basic Laravel app in 10 minutes. I would also recommend Lynda. you can take complete guide from Lynda Laravel training tutorial. if you have any issue regarding app development or any other programming area, you can solve your problem because lynda help to strong your basics.


I suggest you to try article steps : Laravel install on Cloud

You should also try Cloudways, It is a manage hosting service provider by which you can Manage and Create server on the choice of your cloud infrastructure from Google, Amazon, Linode, DigitalOcean, Vultr.

Last updated 6 years ago.

Deploy of laravel web to c panel is now not the big problem every website developer company now using the laravel framework and apply this easy way.

Last updated 6 years ago.

Convey of laravel web to c board is currently not the enormous issue each website development company presently utilizing the laravel system and apply this simple way.


Hey, xXZang3tsuXx!

I'm a developer at Artiiseo content marketing agency, and I'd be happy to help you out. Shoot me a message, at your convenience.


Last updated 5 years ago.

Hey xXZang3tsuXx,

We are team of laravel developers. Contact us for Javascript development company


For someone reading this in 2019, I recently published a new guide with updated instructions

the good thing about the above guide is:

  • you don't need to edit anything in index.php to point to some folder
  • it support Git Workflow, on which you can easily deploy new changes to your app by issuing git pull in the server

plus - i can guarantee it works, how do I know? because that is how I deployed in my cPanel server :-)

Last updated 5 years ago.

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