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Last updated 2 years ago.

Cool but it's comparing apples to oranges... :)


I think you should try ReactJS with MeteorJS and Laravel together. They'll play nice together when you are doing async.


Some of my thoughts. I don't think there's much a need to have Laravel involve when you use Meteor. Meteor is by far I know one of the best full stack real time framework. With the wide support from NPM, I don't think there isn't something you can't do with Meteor than in Laravel .

I have built couple web app using Meteor and it works pretty good by itself. You can pub/sub data over DDP and it 's much better than using the JSON API way in my opinion.

Laravel and Meteor both have their own strength and it really depends on what you building. Just choose your tool at the right time.

Application wise, for instance, it's not very practical to do pagination in Meteor due to its real time nature.

In terms of deployment, both are pretty straight forward. But Meteor likely require you to have root access. In contrast, Laravel can be deployed on shared host.

With the integration of Cordova, it makes Meteor easily integrated to all different kinds of platform.

Last updated 9 years ago.

I am working with laravel framework. its easy for me. So you should be consider about laravel. its best one! I don't have idea about Meteor.js.


I started working on some MeteorJS apps. It's an interesting development tool. Since it's two different languages, it's hard to compare. They have their strong points and weak points. Meteor is easier to create real-time, reactive apps, but Laravel connects to many different databases natively. I find developing large (multiple page) apps easier in Laravel (PHP) but its my 'native' language. Also starting into Ratchet PHP to see how reactive I can get my PHP sites. Still getting used to iron::router and how to split up templates into separate html files.

I am happily developing apps in both languages depending on the app needs.



If you are using Fast Render + React + (I actually prefer FlowRouter > IronRouter) SSR support in Meteor, it will pretty much give you all needed for multi-page site. i.e., You get the exact source code from what you see on browser + reactive stuffs for bonus.

For that reason, I have started building a typical website in Meteor.js without the need of relying purely on Laravel.

PS: Looks like there will be supports for SQL queries in Meteor soon.


wkolcz said:

I started working on some MeteorJS apps. It's an interesting development tool. Since it's two different languages, it's hard to compare. They have their strong points and weak points. Meteor is easier to create real-time, reactive apps, but Laravel connects to many different databases natively. I find developing large (multiple page) apps easier in Laravel (PHP) but its my 'native' language. Also starting into Ratchet PHP to see how reactive I can get my PHP sites. Still getting used to iron::router and how to split up templates into separate html files.

I am happily developing apps in both languages depending on the app needs.


not bad. also digg vue.js .. there was also a tutorial on laracast about using vue.js and laravel together.


Today, in 2016, it certainly make sense to go with MeteorJS. It is much more evolved, easy to learn, and can help you build complex applications with minimal programming.

Learn Meteor Ebook


kunaldodiya said:

I have used almost all framework like MeteorJS, Laravel, Lumen, Angular, Vuejs, The funny thing is I started first with Laravel and then tried lumen with angular, but then when i came to know about vuejs, (A huge fan of Jeffery Way) in laracasts series, i replaced angular with vuejs, but again A few months later, I was searching something so that i dont have to manage client and server separately, I just converted all my code into Meteor.. hahaha :) now again fedup with SEO and crawling issue in SPA, so jump back to Laravel, Laravel is the best finally :) :) :) - proudly created in Laravel


I like them both but one thing that makes huge difference: system resources comsumption is much bigger for MeteorJS.

Try make a TODO app in both frameworks and compare system resources.


Hi, does this comparison makes any sence for you ? Why not comparing Angular 4 + firebase VS Laravel ? seriously ???


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