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Cache Database
Last updated 2 years ago.
  • q1: yes
  • q2: maybe a artisan command is better and then schedule it with a Cron job
  • q3: the database would be hit again
Last updated 2 years ago.

zenry said:

  • q1: yes
  • q2: maybe a artisan command is better and then schedule it with a Cron job
  • q3: the database would be hit again


Q1, Is there anyway i can see how Memcache works? with laravel? What does Laravel set in the Key & Value(Object?) Q1.1 I assume One Key one Query? How does it know / How do I handle the Keys?? A database for keys? for each new query?

Q2. You mean create a artisan command that does that (Query all users) & run it with cron Job? Q3. The old Cache would be "updated/ Deleted" ?

Is Q1 the best way to do it? Or is it possible for the to SET/ADD it manually directly? It's hard to feel comfortable to not know what the code is doing or how it's done. I would totally love it if you could share it with us :D

Thank you!

Last updated 2 years ago.

look at

you can set memcache in app/config/cache.php

Last updated 2 years ago.

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