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posted 10 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

I'm running into the same problem with my code at the moment.

Did you find a fix to this?

Last updated 2 years ago.
  • Firstly, let me guess: Your TableValidator using 2 dependencies is some kind of AbstractBuilder (that the CsvBasedBuilder implements) and AbstractValidator (that the UnparsedRowValidator implements), so the IoC could not resolve the TableValidator ?

  • If I was right, I believe you need some kind of TableValidatorManager that using the AbstractBuilder and AbstractValidator as its driver, you can write your own way of using its driver, such as

    TableValidator::using($builder, $validator);

There's nothing to do with the IoC here. But ofcourse, you can bind the Manager to the IoC after that.

  • And another approach, as I can see you want to make some thing too general, I mean, why don't defined a validator named: App\Logic\AgencyImport\TabularArrayData\TableValidator\UnparsedRow, and use explitcity the UnparsedRowValidator and CsvBasedBuilder (or one of them) just make your validator more specificed, then the automated resolve come back.
Last updated 2 years ago.

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