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Last updated 2 years ago.

So there's this method available on the View facade that does something pretty neat.

This method is called renderSections()

Accessing this method goes a little bit like this:

// Make view, with variable for example
$view = View::make('')->with('name', 'JohnDoe');
return $view->renderSections()

Before we take a look at what this returns us, we must first look at our application layout.

If we have this for example:



Our renderSections() method will return us an array of the content we filled these sections with, for example:

array (size=2)
  'content' => string ' <div class='left well pull-left'>
      <h2>Sheikh Heera</h2>
      <p>Contact: 0123456789</p>
' (length=100)
  'sidebar' => string ' <div class='right well pull-right'>
' (length=148)

So, we can effectively build our html string for use with ajax like so :

if(Request::ajax()) {
    $view = View::make('card');
    $view = $view->renderSections();
    return join($view, '');


This seem awesome, I'll definitely take a look at renderSection. Thanks a lot.


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poudigne poudigne Joined 31 Jan 2016


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