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Configuration Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

Create a folder and put a model file in it. As long as the namespace is correct it should work.

Moving the User model needs a few more changes. Update the namespace in the model file and update the the config\auth.php

I have yet to do this as i'm looking in to repositories.

Here are some links that were posted in another topic related to repositories,

Here's some resources on the matter:


I also forgot about this Laracasts video which would be helpful in general as well:

Hope that helps.


For example if you create a folder (eg app/Models), there are two ways to move your models:

  1. Laravel5 style = Use PSR4
  • namespace all your model files with napespace App\Models;
  • Access your models anywhere with their full namespace, eg: \App\Models\User::find(1);
  1. Laravel4 style
  • Load your model with composer autoloader. In composer.json add:
    "autoload": {
        "classmap": [
  • You don't need to namespace your Models. They are in ther root namespace
  • In namespaced files you can access them as \User::find(1);

Matt Stauffer has an excelent post Upgrading from Laravel 4 to Laravel 5

Extra notes:

  • If you change tha nampspace of User model you have to update config\auth.php
  • The easiest way get rid of long napespaces is to import your models in the begining of your php files, For example: use App\Models\User;
Last updated 9 years ago.

@igaster Just to make sure I'm thinking correctly.

The Laravel 4 style would require you to do a 'composer dump-autoload', if you added in any new models, right ?

And thanks for the better explanation.


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