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posted 9 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago.

First go to app/config/app.php and enable error reporting to see what the error is

And since you're using Blade, I'd sugest you change things like

<a href="{{('cats/'.$cat->id.'')}}">← Cancel </a>
// to
<a href="{{ URL::route('', $cat->id) }}">Cancel</a>
// or
{{ HTML::linkRoute('', 'Cancel', $cat->id) }}
Last updated 9 years ago.

The error is:

ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)

Trying to get property of non-object (View: cats\app\views\cats\edit.blade.php)
Last updated 9 years ago.

I changed it to

<a href="{{ URL::route('', $cat->id }}">Cancel</a>

Now the error is:

Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException (E_PARSE)

syntax error, unexpected ';'
Open: cats\app\storage\views\88e3954eab3748f028fa27b743101f6c 
    <?php $__env->startSection('header'); ?>
    <a href="<?php echo URL::route('', $cat->id; ?>">Cancel</a>

I guess it's the extra ';' that, somehow, is being added after '$cat->id' , or something else.

Last updated 9 years ago.

It was missing a parentheses after cat->id, that's the correct:

<a href="{{ URL::route('', $cat->id) }}">Cancel</a>

But now I get again the initial error:

ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)

Trying to get property of non-object (View:cats\app\views\cats\edit.blade.php)


I changed the CatController.php:

class CatController extends BaseController {
public function edit($id) {   
       $cat = Cat::find($id);
       return View::make('cats.edit')
                    ->with('cat', $cat)
                    ->with('method', 'put');       

So the error was that I didn't create a reference to an 'existing' cat, $cat.

Now the error is that I have an Undefined variable(breed_options) in cats\app\views\cats\edit.blade.php:

ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)

Undefined variable: breed_options (View: cats\app\views\cats\edit.blade.php)
Last updated 9 years ago.

I changed the CatController.php to:

class CatController extends BaseController {
public function edit($id) {
        $breeds = Breed::all();
        if (count($breeds) > 0) {
            $breed_options = array_combine($breeds->lists('id'), $breeds->lists('name'));
        } else {
            $breed_options = array(null, 'Unspecified');
        $cat = Cat::find($id);
        return View::make('cats.edit')
                        ->with('cat', $cat)
                        ->with('method', 'put')
                        ->with('breed_options', $breed_options);

And it works!!! omg why did they have debugging disabled? It's a great help!

pogachar thank you for your help!


Good to see you managed to fix it yourself. I forgot to add the closing brackets in the example. Fixed now.

Look at relationships for cat - breed


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