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Database Eloquent
Last updated 2 years ago.

It's hard to understand your setup. Better show the tables, models or just the relations involved, then what you exactly want to achieve.



User Model:

public function userable() {
	return $this->morphTo();

This is a polymorphic relation to various other models, eg 'UserFirm' the userfirm model contains various extra data specific to that type of user, including a hasOne relationship to a firm


public function user()    {
        return $this->morphOne('User', 'userable');
public function firm(){
	return $this->hasOne('Firm', 'id', 'firm_id');

Then finally, the UserFirm model relates to a Firm Model


public function userfirms(){
	return $this->hasMany('UserFirm');

using this setup, I can go to a firm, and then return a list of the 'userfirms' that belong to it, then get the 'user' for each firm 'userfirm', but i'd like to just return a list of users that belong to a firm

$userfirms = $this->hasMany('UserFirm')->get();			
foreach ($userfirms as $userfirm){			
	print $userfirm->user->first_name;

the above code works, but I want to return an object all all the 'user' data to the template, without having to loop through and get each user out of the database..


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jonshutt jonshutt Joined 9 Dec 2014


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